The CAC carries the message to the S.L.A.A. community that sexual, social, and emotional anorexia can be an inherent part of sex and love addiction.
The CBC is responsible for maintaining and updating the current S.L.A.A. By-Laws, in cooperation with the BOT.
The Conference Charter Committee is responsible for the facilitation of the ABC/M in cooperation with the BOT and F.W.S.
The Conference Diversity Committee (CDC) mission is to carry the S.L.A.A. message to broader groups of people around the world.
The CFC is responsible for the allocation of funds to the various Conference committees based on their requests and the available funds provided by the BOT/F.W.S.
The CHRC develops and implements resources that increase our capacity for building and sustaining healthy relationships of all types.
The CICC is responsible for the ongoing open communication between the existing and new groups and Intergroups of S.L.A.A.
The CJC is responsible for the creation of the bi-monthly "meeting in print" magazine focusing on S.L.A.A. recovery and related issues.
The Conference Literature Committee (CLC) creates quality literature in support of S.L.A.A. recovery.
The CMRC develops tools and methods to retain members, as well as accessing the wisdom, experience, strength, and hope of long time members.
The primary purpose of the CPIC is to help intergroups and local groups carry the S.L.A.A. message to the general public.
The Conference Service Committee is responsible for educating and increasing members' commitment to service.
The CSPC's mission is to Support and Strengthen all forms of S.L.A.A. Sponsorship.
Meeting: 1hr 3rd Thursday @ 6:00pm EST, 5:00pm CT, 3:00pm PT
The CSTCC promotes the study, understanding and application of the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts throughout the S.L.A.A. fellowship.
The CTIOC supports International S.L.A.A. Intergroups and groups to carry the message of recovery to the suffering sex and love addict in their own language.