Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (S.L.A.A.)

Fellowship-Wide Services (F.W.S.)
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  • The Core Documents of S.L.A.A.

The Core Documents of S.L.A.A.

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S.L.A.A. is a Twelve Step, Twelve Tradition Fellowship based on the model pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop living out a pattern of sex and love addiction.

The Core Documents of S.L.A.A. provide a foundation for the S.L.A.A. program and give the basic information to recover from sex and love addiction and/or start an S.L.A.A. meeting in any language.

The Core Documents of S.L.A.A. in order of priority for translation and beginning the program of recovery are:

  1. Twelve Steps
  2. Twelve Traditions
  3. Twelve Concepts
  4. S.L.A.A. Preamble
  5. Characteristics of Sex and Love Addiction
  6. 40 Questions for Self-Diagnosis
  7. Signs of Recovery
  8. What is Anorexia in S.L.A.A.?
  9. Am I Anorexic? 50 Questions for Self-Diagnosis
  10. Twelve Recommended Guidelines for Dealing with the Media

If you find a mistake or want to improve the translation, please contact the Conference Translation and International Outreach Committee (CTIOC) at or contact the F.W.S. Office at

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous – Fellowship-Wide Services
2411 NE Loop 410, Suite 122
San Antonio, TX 78217 – United States
Tel: +1 210 828-7900
Fax: +1 210 828-7922

Note: All S.L.A.A. Conference-approved and draft literature is protected by copyright laws. Consequently, be sure to request permission from The Augustine Fellowship, S.L.A.A., Fellowship-Wide Services, Inc. in writing prior to translating and distributing any such document.

For more information about getting permission to translate and copyright issues, please visit: