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2024 Annual Business Conference/Meeting

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ABM 2024 Statement

The 2024 Annual Business Meeting will be held VIRTUALLY
Thursday, August 8th – Saturday, August 10th, 2024



The Annual Business Conference/Meeting (ABC/M) is the once a year event at which Conference Delegates participate in discussing Items (IFDs) and voting on Motions to provide consensus and direction to Fellowship-Wide Services. More importantly, the ABC/M is dedicated to forming community-wide group conscience and supporting service and recovery within the S.L.A.A. program. 

Motions and IFDs can be submitted Here.

Documents with information about submitting a motion/IFD or a by-laws change can be downloaded under the “Agenda Submissions” section on this page.

If you have questions about Delegate Qualifications, Duties, or how many Delegates your Intergroup can send, please see the By-Laws, Article V, Section 5; or the Conference Service Manual, page 14.

ABM Registration/Payment includes:

Participation in the 2024 Annual Business Conference/Meeting Thu Aug 8 – Sat Aug 10, 2024
and all Conference activities, speaker meetings, and entertainment.

2024 ABC/M Registration Fees

  Regular PriceLate Registration

 $190$215 (after 6/24/2024)
Non-Delegate Observer $100$125 (after 6/24/2024)

Cancellation Policy

By June 24, 2024
 Full RefundFull Refund
After June 24, 2024
 No RefundNo Refund