2024-25 New Year’s Retreat
San Francisco / East Bay 2024-25 New Year’s Retreat
Steps: The Magic of Recovery! Sunday, Dec. 29, 2024 – Wednesday, Jan 1, 2025
What is it? An overnight, 4-day retreat in the beautiful Sonoma County redwood forest, full of workshops, meetings, fellowship, three home-cooked meals per day, arts & crafts, games, hiking, music, yoga, quiet time, relaxation, talent show and more!
It is at St. Dorothy’s Retreat Center. Flyer with registration info is attached.
Save money by registering early at https://slaaretreat.wordpress.com/ Now “At Cost Early Bird” Registration by November 24
Any questions please email slaaretreat@gmail.com
We look forward to welcoming you back to our New Years Eve long weekend recovery retreat tradition!