S.L.A.A. Intergroups Virtual Forum 2022 Session 1
- Representatives from each Intergroup (or Group not having a local Intergroup) can attend
- Free to register
- Sign up at go.slaa.network/IntergroupsVirtualForum2022 to receive the Zoom details
What is the SLAA Intergroups Virtual Forum?
The Annual Intergroups Forum is a meeting of all 74 Intergroups of SLAA to share updates, ask questions, spark ideas, and discuss matters.
The Forum aims to improve communication between all the Intergroups and with the Board of Trustees, Conference Committees and Office of Fellowship Wide Services.
The Forum is advisory so no formal actions result from the Forums. The sharing at Forums is captured in Forum Minutes, which are distributed to all attendees.
Who attends the Intergroups Forum?
Our Annual Forum allows our elected trusted servants to exchange information relevant to the future of SLAA by bringing together:
- the Chair of the Board of Trustees
- the Chair of the Board Outreach Committee
- representatives of every Intergroup
- members each of the CICC and CTIOC Committees
- invited FWS staff
- any other invited speaker(s)
How do I register for the Intergroups Forum?
Every Intergroup can Register its interest to attend by Signing up at go.slaa.network/IntergroupsVirtualForum2022 to receive the Zoom details
When does the Intergroups Forum take place?
Since commencing in 2021, this unique gathering happens once a year approximately 6 months before the Annual Business Meeting that year.
Each forum occurs by way of 2 identical meetings a week apart at different times to allow participation by Intergroups in different time zones.
Both 2 hour meetings are hosted by the Conference Intergroup Communications Committee and currently held by Zoom. Together, the CICC, CTIOC and BOC coordinate the details of the Intergroups Forum.
What is the Meeting Agenda?
Send any suggested Agenda items by March 5th to intergroupsmeeting@slaa.network
See last year’s Forum Agenda here.
What does the Forum cost?
The Forum is free. There is no registration fee to attend.
We will have a chance to connect with other Intergroups around the world and share our experience, strength and hope in service.
There will also be short presentations in English about Fellowship World Services and the S.L.A.A. Service Forum.
The sessions will have the same format so that no-one misses out by going to just one but it will be an opportunity for connection and communication between Intergroups/Groups with continuity for fellows attending both.
Please contact us about language interpretation needs.