Fellowship-Wide Services (F.W.S.)

What Types of Service are there?

Contributing our time and talents to one of the many areas of S.L.A.A. service enriches our recovery and helps us stay sober. But what kinds of service are there?


Service positions are usually for a certain length of time and the individual who serves in the position usually has a required amount of sobriety. This is decided by group conscience. Some groups choose the position length of time in terms of months, which goes from business meeting to business meeting. For example, “Suggested length of sobriety is 6 weeks minimum.”

Secretary #

Runs the business meetings which are usually held once a month unless group conscience has decided that there is need for additional meetings in between the regularly scheduled meeting.  Suggested length of sobriety: minimum 6 weeks. Suggested length of term for position: 6 months.

Treasurer #

Collects the money, pays the groups expenses (rent, literature, Intergroup and F.W.S. donations). They are also responsible for finding someone in the group to collect the 7th Tradition and get the money to them when they are unable to attend the meeting. Suggested length of sobriety: 1 year minimum. Suggested length of term: 3 months minimum.

Literature Person #

Provides a constant supply of S.L.A.A. Conference-approved literature by requesting money from the group’s Treasurer, reporting the literature status to the group’s business meeting, and orders the necessary literature. This person should be someone who attends the group regularly. If they cannot attend on a specific date, they would need to find someone to bring the literature to the meeting in their absence. Suggested length of sobriety: 1 day minimum.  Suggested length of term: 3 months minimum.

Group Contact #

If there is no Intergroup rep, this person receives any mailings from the local intergroup or F.W.S. for their group. They may also be responsible for answering newcomer calls referred by a local intergroup or F.W.S. This usually means letting them know about the program and/or where to find the meeting. This person can be a member of the group who consistently attends the meeting and is a committed member of the meeting. Suggested length of sobriety: minimum 6 weeks. Suggested length of term: until they are no longer able to attend the business meeting on a regular basis.

Chairperson #

Runs the regular meeting by following the group’s format. This person may also book speakers to qualify at the meeting. This position is sometimes split into two when there is a large meeting. One person would be responsible for chairing the meeting. The other person would be responsible for booking the speakers for the meeting. Suggested length of sobriety: minimum 6 weeks. Suggested length of term for position: 1 month.

Greeter #

Welcomes members/newcomers arriving at the meeting. Comes at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting and stands at the door welcoming those who come to the meeting. Suggested length of sobriety: no minimum required. Suggested length of term: 1 month minimum.

Refreshment Coordinator #

This is an optional position. This person sets up coffee, tea and other refreshments, which are paid for by the group. NOTE: Refreshments are a group conscience decision, they are not necessary, just a nicety the group may choose to make available to their members.  Suggested length of sobriety: no minimum required. Suggested length of term: 1 month minimum.


An Intergroup is a regional service center made up of elected representatives from local S.L.A.A. Groups.

Intergroup Representative(s) and Alternate #

Attend local Intergroup meeting as representative(s) of their meeting. They bring their group’s conscience and represent the group in matters affecting S.L.A.A. in their area. Suggested length of sobriety: 6 months minimum required. Suggested length of term: 2 years maximum. Minimum is usually 1 year, but will depend on the Intergroup’s suggested minimum requirement.  Please note: An Intergroup Representative usually attends all the Intergroup meetings with the Alternate, but the Alternate would act as Intergroup Representative in that person’s absence.


Elected at the Intergroup level.

Delegate #

Attends the Annual Business Conference Meeting (ABCM) and is chosen by the local Intergroup to represent 5 to 10 local meetings. This person has the responsibility of voting at the ABM expressing the conscience of the groups that they represent. They may also serve on Conference committees that help address the Fellowship’s issues affecting S.L.A.A. as a whole. Required length of sobriety: 6 months minimum by the time of the ABM. Suggested length of term: 2 years minimum.


BOT Members are elected at the Annual Business Meeting.

BOT Member #

Acts as a guardian of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of S.L.A.A. and helps ensure that there are no alterations to the Steps and Traditions except by action of the F.W.S. S.L.A.A. Conference. This person supervises and guides public information and attraction efforts of
the Fellowship; provides counsel and guidance to member groups and new groups; furnishes a medium for interchange of ideas between groups and arranges for the Annual Business Meeting; and oversees, with the entire Board, the operations of the F.W.S. office. Ultimately the BOT are also responsible for ensuring the laws of Texas (place of incorporation) are abided by as stated in The Augustine Fellowship, S.L.A.A., Fellowship-Wide Services, Inc. By-Laws. Required length of sobriety: 3 years. Scheduled length of term: 3 years.

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