Fellowship-Wide Services (F.W.S.)

Supporting S.L.A.A. the 60/40 Way

The 7th Tradition #

Every S.L.A.A. Group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.

In financial matters, Tradition Seven states that Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous is self-supporting at all levels. What this means is that neither the Group, the Intergroup, nor F.W.S. accepts outside contributions.

To help support S.L.A.A.’s essential services…
We suggest the 60/40 contribution plan to Groups.

How the 60/40 way works: #

After a Group’s regular expenses are met (rent, literature, F.W.S. delegate travel fund, and prudent reserve funds), remaining amounts may be distributed as follows or whatever suits local needs:

60% to Local Intergroup #

Provides services which may include:

  • Maintaining telephone service for 12 Step calls and inquiries;
  • Distributing literature and meeting information to newcomers;
  • Arranging special events;
  • Publishing newsletters and local meeting lists;
  • Facilitating S.L.A.A. literature sales;
  • Coordinating group activities;
  • Responding to local public information requests.

40% to Fellowship-Wide Services #

Provides services which may include:

  • Maintaining the F.W.S. Office;
  • Supporting Group and Intergroup directories;
  • Providing assistance and starter kits to new Groups and Intergroups;
  • Publishing S.L.A.A. literature, the F.W.S. Newsletter and theJournal;
  • Producing and shipping nearly one hundred thousand pieces of S.L.A.A. literature a year;
  • Sponsoring the Annual Business Conference/Meeting;
  • Helping lone members and those in institutions;
  • Carrying the S.L.A.A. message through public information and cooperation with professionals.

Learn More #

For more information about the 60/40 way, please view the free pamphlet, Supporting S.L.A.A. the 60/40 Way.

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