What is the Conference Sponsorship Committee (CSPC)?
The Conference Sponsorship Committee (CSPC) welcomes your questions, ideas and participation. The CSPC is dedicated to promoting recovery by drawing on the tool of sponsorship. Our goal is to make sponsorship accessible and rewarding to sponsors and sponsees in the fellowship of S.L.A.A.
The CSPC Business meeting is held the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:00pm ET / 5:00pm CT / 3:00pm PT using Zoom video or teleconference. Complete the request form to receive Zoom connection information for the meeting.
CSPC Activities
Various service opportunities are available through the CSPC, such as answering emails from S.L.A.A. members, participating in monthly CSPC telemeetings, and reviewing and offering input to new draft literature on sponsorship.
CSPC Resources
For more information related to finding a sponsor, see the pages “What is Sponsorship” at https://slaafws.org/what-is-sponsorship, “How To Find A Sponsor” at https://slaafws.org/how-to-find-a-sponsor and “Questions To Ask A Potential Sponsor” at https://slaafws.org/questions-to-ask-a-potential-sponsor.
The pamphlet “Sponsorship A Return from Isolation” may be purchased at your local meeting or through the F.W.S. store at http://store.slaafws.org/prod/PAM-005.html.
Another way to stay informed is to join the CSPC Google Group. You may join by going to http://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/slaa-sponsorship-cmte. Joining the CSPC mailing list is not a commitment or requirement, but would simply keep you informed about our monthly telemeetings and other activities.