You can Write for The Journal!
You may be saying to yourself that you like The Journal and would like to contribute some writing to it. It is good Twelfth Step work. Any time is a good time to sit down, write about your recovery experience, and send it to The Journal. Writing a story about S.L.A.A. recovery can be a healing experience for you, a meaningful experience for others in the Fellowship, and an attraction for suffering sex and love addicts to our program.
GUIDELINES – please read before continuing
* What is the sobriety requirement? – There is no sobriety requirement to write for The Journal. If you have one day, one month, or ten years away from your bottom line, The Journal welcomes your writing and encourages your contributions.
* Is my writing good enough? – Your writing is good enough. You have a story that only you can tell.
* What should I write about? – What you write about is up to you. However The Journal editors will probably be drawn to contributions that describe the symptoms of sex and love addiction and those which include a clear, strong message of recovery through the S.L.A.A. program. This model ensures readers will identify with the symptoms while seeing that recovery is possible. See the flyer that outlines upcoming 2025 Deadlines and Writing Topics (pdf).
Creative Contributions may be:
- Submitted via the form at the bottom of this page
- handwritten
- typed
- sent on removable media (CD/flash) (please include a hard copy if you use this option)
- both writing and art (such as photography, drawing, and painting)
Any length creative contribution will be considered, however it is preferred they be between 500 and 2,000 words (approximately two, double spaced pages, typewritten).
When referring to the S.L.A.A. “Basic Text”, it is helpful to include page numbers.
Please indicate how you wish your creative contribution to be signed, such as John S., New York, NY or Anonymous or some form of these examples.
Fill out the Online Form:
To Send your share via mail:
Mail to:
the Journal
Fellowship-Wide Services
2411 NE Loop 410, Suite 122
San Antonio TX 78217