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6 articles

Can Individual Members Make Donations for a Special Purpose?

Last Updated: May 10, 2016

THE QUESTION: At our Intergroup a member twice gave to our Literature Sales and Distribution Rep $100 to buy Newcomer kits to be distributed equally among the groups who could then give them out for free. No one objected at the time and things were done as requested. Then, someone brought up that it might...

Should a Sponsor Give Money to a Sponsee?

Last Updated: May 10, 2016

The Question: Can the Steps and Traditions guide us on giving a sponsee (a large sum of money) when the sponsee is hungry, angry, lonely and tired? The 7th Tradition is that we should do it on our own and not depend on the kindness of others. The 5th Tradition states that our primary purpose...

Use of 7th Tradition Donations for Outside Purposes

Last Updated: May 10, 2016

The Question: After a recent meeting a member asked whether the group could make an anonymous donation to a local food bank or shelter. How would this relate to the Traditions? [NOTE; This question is of a similar nature to a previous question titled “Tradition 7 Violation?” which was published in the Spring 2012 edition...

Is it Appropriate for one Group to Give Money to Another Group?

Last Updated: May 10, 2016

The Question: We have a group that is not able to pay their rent and another group has stepped in to pay it for them temporarily. Is this a violation of Tradition 7? In the A.A. Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions book, several experiences within the early fellowship shaped the form of this Tradition, as...

Should Groups Raise Funds for Non-Sanctioned S.L.A.A. Events?

Last Updated: December 1, 2020

A member of S.L.A.A., who attends only (special interest meetings) which have their own format has recently been organizing events. He organized a social event recently to a theatre event in our city for members of S.L.A.A. Another event has been a lecture by a therapist followed by dinner. He hasn’t had this event sanctioned...

Must S.L.A.A. workshops be sanctioned by an Intergroup to be called an S.L.A.A.?

Last Updated: January 3, 2024

Question One:  Can an Intergroup elected ABM delegate raise funds to cover their expenses for attendance by independently hosting an S.L.A.A. workshop?Question Two:  Must S.L.A.A. workshops be sanctioned by an Intergroup to be called an S.L.A.A. Question Three:  Is there a specific protocol on how 7th Tradition monies should be collected for this type of...